
There are currently seventeen different races that a player character may select.

The races are DWARF, ELF, GNOME, HALF-ELF, HALF-GIANT, HALFLING, HUMAN, MINOTAUR, PIXIE, TRITON, ULDRA, DRAGONBORN, TROLL, PLANEWALKER, TIEFLING, WEMIC, and LIZARDKIND. Each race holds different powers that set them apart from the others.

Dwarves are short, stocky, and quite muscular compared to humans. They have a fondness for beards, beer, and gold. They tend to be dour and taciturn, and have little use for humor.

| STR | +2 |
| INT | — |
| WIS | — |
| DEX | -1 |
| CON | +2 |
| CHA | -1 |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVES | -20 |

* Regenerates hp at a double rate per tick.
* 50% Resistance to cold.
* 5% melee crit damage.

Elves are almost as tall as Humans, and are very slender. They have a great love for nature, magic, and art. Their features are delicate, and their ears are pointed. Elves are widely known for their masterful proficiency in healing spells.

| STR | -1 |
| INT | +3 |
| WIS | +1 |
| DEX | — |
| CON | — |
| CHA | — |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVES | — |
* Elves have a frailty towards poison.
* Increased move regeneration.
* +1 move per level.

Gnomes are kin to Dwarves but are not as powerfully built. They do have distinguished features; specifically, large noses. Gnomes are lively and playful with a keen sense of humor, especially for practical jokes.

| STR | — |
| INT | +2 |
| WIS | +2 |
| DEX | — |
| CON | -1 |
| CHA | — |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVES | -25 |
* Have a 20% chance for staves/wands/scrolls to fail but get a bonus in saving throws vs. staves/wands/spells based on CON.
* Regenerates hp at a 1.75 rate per tick.
* +10 Elemental cold magic damage.

Half-elves are the uncommon result of a rare union between a human and an elf. Often despised amongst the elven folk and humans alike, the half-elf offspring of these two races always suffer from a vulnerability to poison effects. They inherit the racial bonuses of their parental lineage, albeit at a reduced amount.

| STR | — |
| INT | +2 |
| WIS | — |
| DEX | -1 |
| CON | +1 |
| CHA | +1 |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVES | +20 |

* 50% Vulnerability to poison.
* +10 Elemental electricity magic damage.
* Slightly increased move and mana regeneration.

Half-giants are the result of a union between Humans and Giants. They are much taller than humans, and quite muscular (gaining such qualities from their Giant heritage). However, they also gain the dimwittedness of Giants as well.

| STR | +3 |
| INT | — |
| WIS | — |
| DEX | -1 |
| CON | +1 |
| CHA | — |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVES | +30 |
* Require 2 times as much food and drink.
* +1% melee critical hit chance.
* Reduced movement regeneration.

Halflings are short plump people that look like small Humans, except for the hair growing on the tops of their feet. They are overly fond of food, and try to eat six meals a day normally.

| STR | -1 |
| INT | +1 |
| WIS | — |
| DEX | +3 |
| CON | — |
| CHA | — |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVES | -30 |
* Automatic -40 Armor Points value.
* Natural Infravision.
* Require twice as much food drink.
* +2% natural melee critical hit chance.

Human are surprisingly adaptable to nearly all environmental conditions and are renowned for their ability to survive under extraordinary circumstances. In addition to this, humans have proven time and time again to be a race which learns quickly and thinks outside of the box. They are especially proficient with electricity.

| STR | +1 |
| INT | — |
| WIS | — |
| DEX | — |
| CON | — |
| CHA | +2 |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVES | — |
| SIZE | Normal |
* +1 Racial skill/spell practice sessions.
* Slightly increased move, mana, and hitpoint regeneration.

Minotaur are large beasts. A Minotaur has the body of a human and the head of a bull.

| STR | +2 |
| INT | +1 |
| WIS | — |
| DEX | — |
| CON | — |
| CHA | -3 |
| HP | +10 |
| MANA | +20 |
| MOVE | +10 |

* Eat only corpses (4 ticks per size – TINY=4 hrs of food, NORMAL=12 hrs of food).
* Innate Bash ability.
* +1 hp, mana, and move per level.

Pixies are a small, winged kin of Elves. They have a great love of nature, along with a delight in torturing big folk with practical jokes.
(NOTE: This is an advanced difficulty class due to size restrictions)

| STR | -2 |
| INT | — |
| WIS | +1 |
| DEX | +1 |
| CON | — |
| CHA | +3 |
| HP | — |
| MANA |+40 |
| MOVE | -40 |
* Regenerates mana at a double rate per tick.
* Has innate airwalk ability.
* +5 All-Spell Damage.

Tritons are aquatic living humanoids.

| STR | +1 |
| INT | -1 |
| WIS | — |
| DEX | +2 |
| CON | +1 |
| CHA | — |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVE | — |
| SIZE | Normal |
* Moves are doubled on land, halved in water.
* Needs 2 times the water while on land, requires non while in water.
* Reduced movement regeneration.
* Innate water walk and water breathing ability.
* +1 melee critical hit chance.

Uldras are cousins to Dwarves and Gnomes, who live in the tundra and have a natural empathy for animals.

| STR | +2 |
| INT | +2 |
| WIS | +1 |
| DEX | — |
| CON | — |
| CHA | -2 |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVE | -20 |
| SIZE | Small |
* 50% Resistance to frost.
* 50% Vulnerability to fire.
* Haste does not double the food, thirst, or drunk requirements.
* +10 Elemental cold magic damage.

Dragonborn are beings that can trace their lineage to dragons. While their size is not particularly intimidating, they are born with a natural ability to wage battle and survive.

| STR | +2 |
| INT | — |
| WIS | +1 |
| DEX | -1 |
| CON | +1 |
| CHA | — |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVES | — |
| SIZE | Normal |
* +4% Spell critical hit chance.
* 50% Resistance to fire.
* 50% Vulnerability to frost.

These fearless creatures of darkness are renowned for their ability to wage battle against even the most powerful of foes. Their strength is rivaled only by half-giants, but their fearful appearance also causes others to hate them.

| STR | +2 |
| INT | — |
| WIS | -1 |
| DEX | +2 |
| CON | +1 |
| CHA | -1 |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVE | — |
| SIZE | Large |

* 50% Vulnerability to light.
* +1% melee critical hit chance.
* Increased move regeneration.
* Require 2 times as much food.

Little is known about the origins of Planewalkers, other than they come from a land far away, or perhaps it is better said from a dimension unlike our own. They are especially proficient with magical abilities.

| STR | — |
| INT | +1 |
| WIS | +3 |
| DEX | — |
| CON | — |
| CHA | — |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVES | -20 |
* Increased mana regeneration.
* +3% spell critical hit chance.
* -50% Resistance to light.

Tieflings are infernal creatures, a race borne out of the fires of hell. They are by their very nature resistant to fire, but this carries with it an added vulnerability to frost. They specialize in bludgeon attacks.

| STR | +1 |
| INT | +2 |
| WIS | — |
| DEX | +1 |
| CON | — |
| CHA | -1 |
| HP | — |
| MANA | — |
| MOVE | — |
| SIZE | Normal |
* 50% Resistance to fire.
* 50% Vulnerability to frost.
* +10 Elemental fire magic damage.

Wemics are half-lion, half-horse creatures that hail from open plains in far flung lands. They are renowned for their strength and speed in combat, but they are not especially intelligent.

| STR | +2 |
| INT | — |
| WIS | -1 |
| DEX | +1 |
| CON | — |
| CHA | +1 |
| HP | +35 |
| MANA | — |
| MOVE | — |
| SIZE | Large |
* 50% Resistance to electricity.
* +6% melee crit damage.
* Has innate infravision ability.
* Slightly increased hitpoint regeneration.

Lizardkind find themselves at home in the swamps where they were born. They are especially hearty creatures which has led some to believe that they are invulnerable.

| STR | +1 |
| INT | — |
| WIS | — |
| DEX | — |
| CON | +3 |
| CHA | -1 |
| HP | +20 |
| MANA | — |
| MOVE | — |
| SIZE | Normal |
* +25% fire resistance.
* +1 hitpoints per level.
* Increased hitpoint regeneration.